#GodChat: Sinning in Peace


Let me just say, I didn’t have to go far to be blessed this time! While posting the #SexChat Question of the week, I came to a certain peace regarding the whole “homosexuality as a sin” issue.

*DISCLAIMER – This is a faith-based, highly opinionated post….teheehe!

Born and bred in a Word-filled church, I was always taught homosexuality was a sin. Additionally, I was taught that same-gender-sex was no different from fornication or dishonesty- as all sin is equal. That was that: I was sinning whether I sexed my man or sexed my girl, killed a bug or killed my uncle.

Enter Dr. Heather with…

“Fact: People are whatever sexuality they are going to be
in the womb. It's complicated,but there is a scientific
explanation for why people are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and 


At first, I was a little uneasy with her scientific approach to this.  See, I knew I had made a choice to sin every time I got drunk, got sexed, got dishonest, got proud, got jealous, got…. Oh you get it. Never once had I considered I’d been born this way. Even with all the talk in the media of being “born gay,” I just shrugged the idea off.  This was mostly because I was unequipped to enter the debate of whether or not “God makes mistakes,” or if “God would allow a person to be born gay.”  But once Dr. Heather explained the idea of everyone’s “sexual template” being created in the womb, I actually believed it.

THE CONUNDRUM:  If I believed that some of my bisexual tendencies may have resulted from various developmental influences in my momma’s tummy, and I believed that God made me, then I should be blaming God for my Biblically sinful freakydeakyism<– not a word!

Had God made a mistake by making me so attracted to a beautiful woman’s plump booty that I admire one every chance I get – even in church?  Moreover, how could I say, “God breathes life –creating every human,” but then acknowledge that God made Charles Manson a murderer, and my nasty-ass uncle a pedophile for that matter?

I’ve since learned that I can’t acknowledge anything like that because I don’t believe God creates evil. Although, there are some that believe otherwise, Genesis 1:31: says “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”  My faith tells me that God doesn’t make mistakes. God’s creations are good. Things can only become evil when they remove all of the good – all of the God.

In other words, I don’t believe God creates predetermined liars, fornicators, alcoholics, serial killers, pedophiles, or homosexuals. I know this directly contradicts Dr. Heather’s quote, but I believe God creates good people with predispositions for good and evil- HUMANS!

Now, some of us may have more predispositions for sin as opposed to good and vice versa, but the point is: We are only human. And because of that, we can easily become confused by the origins of our predispositions as well as the strategies to correct or live with them.

For me, there’s nothing a good #GodChat can’t clear up.  God allows us to be born into sin, but He’s banking on us to love Him more than we love our own flesh in an effort to get out of it. Sounds like an evil Jedi mind trick right? I know.  It’s deep. But I find peace in knowing the choice to become as close as we can to Christ’s perfection is up to us. We should stop lying, stop sucking, stop … well, you know.  And if we can’t do it alone, call on Him because it is written that we will all fall short of His perfection.

Listen, I’ve learned that as long as you believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then you have not turned away from His love and will not be turned away from His Kingdom. And that’s my PEACE!  So, I send kudos to Dr. Heather for the sound encouragement to, “Enjoy being you!”  Because I believe all believers are going to heaven –even the ones that lie, cheat, steal, and fornicate- same sex or not.


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