While writing, The Likely Adventures of a Childhood Sexual Abuse Victim, I’m recognizing effects of childhood trauma that are usually overlooked. I tackle a reoccurring theme of relational boundaries. As strong as I believe I am, I still allow people to finagle their way into an area of my life where they have no business.
So, when @TroyGramling, Pastor of @PotentialChurch taught a message on “Relational Pollution” I thought it would be nice to share a blessing I received through it.
GUARD against INFECTION by FILTERing your life from POLLUTANT relationships. Then, you can INVEST time with those that make YOUR DREAM jump.
Easier said than done right? But what about your best friend who likes to manipulate every situation? And then there’s your significant other that blows a gasket at the slightest aggravation… Oh and the sibling that whines and cries about everything!!! But ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compares to the parent that’s going to make you do it because “they said so!”
Well Pastor Troy (I always think of the rapper! Teheehe) pointed to Matthew 5:37 that says, “Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one.”
A missed friend of mine used to say, “When you explain, you lose.” Guess, what…She ain’t never lied. And though I’ve said it before…Now I know God’s got my back on it too! So speak your peace and keep it moving. Once you Set Your Boundary, God will handle the rest.
#GodChat #SetYourBoundaries